As a manager, you have a unique opportunity — and responsibility — to be a role model in building an inclusive workplace. This means recognizing and mitigating potential harmful behaviors in yourself, and in your team members. One example is speaking up if you hear or see something inappropriate, especially a microaggression, such as interrupting, taking up airtime, dismissing or taking credit for someone else’s ideas, diminishing someone’s experience, stereotyping, or using problematic language. While these behaviors are often unintentional, it’s important to call them out. When they come up, be sure to pause and name what’s just happened. For example, if someone uses an outdated or problematic word to describe a group of people, you might say: “I just want to take a moment here. It’s really important to focus on the language we use to describe people, and XYZ is a problematic term.” Your goal should be to educate people rather than shame them (which is less likely to result in change). You can follow up with the individual after the incident to discuss in private and point them to helpful learning resources, offering to continue the conversation if they’d find it helpful.