- Check in with your employees individually. Talk to each person on your team to get a sense of who is affected — and how. Ask if there’s anything they need or any way you can support them. A simple question at the beginning of a one-on-one meeting such as, “Have you been following the news? Do you know anyone impacted?” can reveal an unexpected connection that someone might not have thought they could share.
- Make space to address the news during a meeting. You might start your weekly huddle by saying, “I’d like to take a quick minute to acknowledge what’s happening. I’ve certainly been distracted and concerned by it. Who else feels the same way?” Your goal is to be compassionate and understanding, not to wade into politics, put people on the spot, or force anyone to speak.
- Give people the opportunity to take action. Research ways to help that are in line with your organization’s values and provide credible sources for employees to get involved. If possible, let them use a portion of their working hours for volunteer activities.