So, you’ve gotten a job offer — but you’re still waiting on another. You don’t want to pass up the opportunity that you know is a sure thing. But you also want to see how the hiring process plays out at the other company. What should you do? First, express excitement to the company that has made you an offer. Then ask for a week to make a final decision, and gauge the hiring manager’s reaction. If they seem chilly, ask them what a reasonable period of time would be — without providing more detail. You can even try to extend the timeline by asking to meet a few potential colleagues or to take a tour of the office. At the same time, contact the recruiter or hiring manager from the other company to reiterate your excitement for their job. Let them know that you have an offer from another company. Mention that you wouldn’t want to lose the offer if you’re not a viable candidate for the job, ask if you’re truly in the running, and listen carefully to the energy in the response. If they say you are a viable candidate, there’s great enthusiasm, and you’re far along in the interview process, you can ask if there’s anything else you can answer for them to make an offer. If it’s early in the interview process, you can see if they can expedite the rest of the process to determine if you’re the best candidate for the job. If they can speed things up, great! If they can’t, you’ll need to decide whether you want to take the risk of rejecting the offer you already have.
Deciding on a Job Offer When You’re Still Interviewing Elsewhere