Act with Care When Someone Cries at Work

It's natural to feel helpless or uncomfortable when someone cries in front of you in the office. But remember that tears are a normal human reaction, not a sign of weakness. If someone you work with starts to well up, here's how to handle it:

Acknowledge the tears. Don't ignore them. Use the occasion to analyze and assess what's going on, not judge the crier.

Offer a tissue. This gives the person a chance to breathe and gather thoughts. It also communicates that you're paying attention.

Recognize a problem. Crying means something needs to be addressed: The person is overworked, stressed, sick, or frustrated. This is an opportunity to identify the underlying issue and move forward with clarity

Source: Today's Management Tip was adapted from "How to Handle Tears at Work" by Anne Kreamer.

© Nick Kalikajaros 2019